Halloween hår
Här kan ni se hur Lauren har gjort sitt Halloween hår :)

A couple weeks ago, I asked you guys which Halloween hair tutorials you wanted. Let’s just say it was an overwhelming victory for 1920′s and 1930′s hair. There are 3 more coming up, but for now we bring you “Vintage Vixen” starring Lady Conrad! This hairstyle can be used with many different costumes– Gatsby girl, flapper, silent film star, old school gangster’s girl, showgirl (a la Water for Elephants), etc… Good luck and as always, tweet us a photo!!
TOOLS: small barrel curling iron (we used 5/8″), sectioning clips, silver 2-prong setting clips, 2 clear elastics, large bobbypins, a large soft bristled flat brush, comb, hairspray, and a headband (optional).
- Start with clean, dry hair (straight, wavy, or curly… just make sure it’s completely dry)
- To remove excess length and weight, you’re going to want to braid the bottom hair and pin it up so it’s out of the way. Part your hair from ear to ear in the back of your head + clip the top half up.
- Create two braids.
- Pin the two braids flat against your head in the back. It helps if you lay them in a zigzag pattern. Use large bobbypins for more support.
- You want all of the curls to go TOWARD your face. In order to create a pattern in the hair, your curls need to be lined up. They should all be the same size and going the same direction. To get the right pattern, I always I like to pretend I’m laying a brick wall and you should do the same! For this particular look, take sections that are about the same size as your pinkie finger. Wrap them tightly around the outside of your curling iron. Equally important is the size of your iron. It must be small. Anything over 3/4″ will just give you big waves. Check the beauty supply and/or google for smaller irons! Curling will take a lot of time, but it’s SO worth it.
- After you curl the hair, clip it in place and allow it to set.
- See how Lauren’s curls are all going the same direction and are the same size? That’s what you want. Let it set for as long as you can. The longer, the better. Put your makeup on while you wait, or if your costume/dress goes over your head, put it on now to avoid messing it up later.
- When the hair has cooled entirely, release all of the curls (don’t pull them apart with your fingers). Using a large soft bristled flat brush, start brushing the curls out. Give it a couple hard brush strokes and then switch to a lighter stroke (repeat if necessary). The pattern will begin to develop. Look down slightly and brush hair toward your face. Brushing everything toward your face is best for bringing out the pattern.
- If you have a lot of hair, it’s optional to pin one side back like Lauren is doing in the shot so that the hair doesn’t overwhelm your face.
- Grab a section of brushed out curls. Hold the very bottom of the curls with one hand. Using a comb, tease (using long upward strokes) with the other hand. You should only need 1 or 2 strokes to get it into the “bob” shape.
- Spray the section with a strong holding hairspray and then tuck the extra hairs. Pin in place using a large bobbypin or two.
- Add a headband, comb, head dress, or barrette for sparkle! Learn how to make your own HERE! Pin it in place and give it one last veil of hairspray. Trick or treat, fancy ladies!!
Xx Kristin Ess