Twitter 100202 - 100211
100203 Love waking up to a snow kissed NYC... :-)

100203 Spotted... :-)
100203 P.S. Tomorrow's signing is at the Barnes and Noble in Carle Place, Long Island. Hope to see you there :-)
100203 Just leaving my first book signing at Barnes and Noble :-) Thanks everyone for coming!
100203 Just finished taping Tyra. Shopping break anyone? Someone under packed :-)
100204 Tomorrow's signing will be in Boston... 7pm at the Barnes and Noble at the Prudential Center.
100204 Just left the signing. Thank you to everyone who came out!! It was great meeting you all :-)
100204 On our way to the book signing on Long Island... Watching Chicago on the way.
100204 If anyone is looking for info on my book tour you can find dates and locations here... http://bit.ly/cIzHqO Can’t wait to see @DearJohnMovie! Get your tickets here: http://bit.ly/d0lgdA Be sure to RT & make #DearJohn a trending topic! (Ad)
100204 Just left a taping at Wendy Williams. She was so fabulous :-) She taught me "how you doin"... Pretty amazing. Hope you all enjoy it haha
100204 Rise and shine! The day is young and there are books to sell :-) In hair and make up getting ready for morning press.
100204 RT @iamBenLyons: I love L-Boogie RT @carlosncharge: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY LAUREN CONRAD http://tinyurl.com/yazl55d ♛ @LaurenConrad @So ...
100205 Hmm I really should be a better packer by now. Tip for those forgetful as me - a little red lipstick doubles as blush. I miss u Amy Nadine!
100205 Boston here we come!! Signing tonight - 7pm - Barnes and Noble at the Prudential Center. Be there or be Square ;-)
100206 I apologize to everyone. The blizzard has made it impossible to get there. We will be rescheduling the event ASAP. Again, I'm so so sorry!
100206 If you were planning on attending the book signing in Philadelphia it looks like it may be postponed. I'm so disappointed...
100206 I have a new found appreciation for Planes, Trains and Automobiles...
100206 Flights were cancelled so we tried the train. Now we have been informed our train won't go past NY and the roads may be too unsafe to drive.
100207 People who walk their dogs down the street in baby strollers... I need someone to explain this to me.
100207 Eep! Just came across Kell on Earth on my TV. Flashbacks!!! Haha
100208 The signing tonight is in Kansas City at the Unity Temple on the Plaza @ 6PM. Hope to see you there :-)
100208 Just arrived in Kansas City. Feel like we landed in a winter wonderland. So pretty!!
100208 Off to Kansas City...
100209 Going to Miami tomorrow! I'm doing a signing at Books and Books in Coral Gables @ 7 (and crossing my fingers for a little sunshine)
100209 It seems we've traded snow for rain. On our way to Borders in Winter Park. :-)
100209 Goooooooood morning!! Leaving this cold in Kansas City (10 degrees)... Orlando here we come. Pleeeeease be warm!! I need to defrost.
100210 Miaaaaaaaaaaami!!
100211 @lobosworth call Jerry's Deli. They will deliver and it's delish! Feel better!! Ill be home soon enough :-) XX
100211 They said we are free to de-board, but our luggage stays. Sad that my first thought was "I can't leave my shoes!" ?
100211 Been sitting on our plane for 3 hours waiting to get de-iced so we can take off...
100211 BTW I'm teaming up with @seventeenmag to help Haiti. A portion of sales are donated to Haiti relief efforts. So pick up your copy today :-)
100211 My makeup artist @amynadine just posted my seventeen cover on her blog http://bit.ly/bmfwQ0 Check it out :-)
100211 @LoBosworth 2 things... 1) your BF is quoting Oprah... You may wanna get on that. 2) I miss your face :-p
100211 I'm reading Kathy Griffin's book (which I'm loving) and I just got a name drop. Highlight of my week. That woman is genius.
100211 Snowed in!!! I may be on this plane forever!
100211 In lovely Colorado today. The signing tonight is at Tattered Cover bookstore in Highlands Ranch @ 7.