Twitter 100829 - 100920

100829 Hard to pay attention to the Emmys with a spread like this...
100829 Ohhhhhhh the fabulous @Kristin_Ess just posted her first entry on her blog!! Can't wait to visit every day!! www.kristinesshair.blogspot.com
100831 Kohls_Official Talk of the office this morning is the new LC Lauren Conrad skirt that just hit stores. Love it? No? http://bit.ly/c9oY55 #laurenconrad
100831 Girl's night out with @jillyHendrix at My Studio tonight!! Come early to hear her DJ!

100831 Higher the hair, closer to god... Tonight I'm feeling like saint haha
100903 @whitneyEVEport Just turned on my TV to see your pretty face talking about zits :-) Made me proud!
100904 @LoBosworth Wish I was there with you kids! Have so much fun and remember : What happens in Vegas... I will read about tom ;-) XO
100904 Just had to switch my dress around and wear it backwards bc I spilled salad dressing down the front... So little has changed since I was 6.
100904 Enjoying some Chelsea Lately and a glass of Ovaltine... Just another hoppin' Saturday night :-)
100909 Check out the cover of the Oct issue of Cosmo! Had a great time at the shoot! Get a sneak peak at http://bit.ly/a2Ads1
100914 Gossip Girl star Penn Badgley is about to walk the #EasyAMovie Red Carpet for the Hollywood Premiere! Watch here http://bit.ly/cFViYk (Ad)
100915 My November issue of Cosmopolitan hit newsstands today! Make sure to get your copy and let me know what you think! http://www.cosmopolitan.com/celebrity/exclusive/lauren-conrad-cosmo
100915 My mistake! It's the October issue on newsstands now! Go check it out!

100920 Me and my leopard nails just landed from Hong Kong... Vacations over :-(