Twitter 100816 - 100828
100816 Roommate. RT @LoBosworth I hate it when I can't find my... (fill in the blank)
100816 InStyle @LaurenConrad models her Fall 2010 collection for Kohl's! http://ht.ly/2qfkI
100816 Pre-workout dance party to the Glee soundtrack! Happy Monday :-p
100817 Dinner and a movie = Eat Eat Pray Love
100817 Just cracked open and early edition of the @lobosworth 's book (perk of being a roomie). Boy can this chick write! I'm hooked already!
100817 Just posted my most recent collection for Kohl's on my website www.laurenconrad.com Florals, Ruffles and Lace oh my!
100817 @Kristin_Ess Go to sleep! And don't forget the Aquanet and Scrunchies for tomorrows shoot! Sweet dreams :-)

100818 90 degrees and wearing leather... Trying to keep my make-up from melting off my face!

100819 Awww @lobosworth made me breakfast this morning. :-) What a nice roomie!
100819 Just watched a dude take his earings out of his ears and put them in his nipples... While standing on a street corner. Gotta love LA.

100819 I think I know this guy...

100820 Shopping for blooms in the flower district for my sister's B-day bash
100820 Spent all morning baking cupcakes for my sister's B day tom and now I'm shopping for a dress to wear to @jillyhendrix B day party tonight...
100820 ...So now I'm shopping with pink frosting in my hair. Sigh, birthdays...
100823 Well it's official... Another Conrad can legally drink. Uh oh! Happy 21st birthday to my little sis!
100823 Gym clothes, no makeup, wet hair and leaving a painful laser hair removal apt... This is exactly when I want to find 15 paps around my car.
100825 @whitneyEVEport Psst! Wanna hear a secret...? I can't wait to see your pretty face tomorrow!!
100825 Just posted the dates for my book tour in October. Take a peek and see if I'm coming to your home town.
100825 Headed to the salon to see some of my fav ladies. Sadly I was simply too tired and sore to put on real people pants. Get ready for some PJs!
100826 @jillyhendix look at these party animals!
100826 No... and it's something else you with my mother can bond over :-) RT @sofifii: Is it too late to start scrapbooking my life?
100828 The News is on at the gym and I just looked up to read the headline "live tiger found in suitcase at thai airport"...
100828 @joyceazria Just got some treats from BCBGeneration!! So cute! Thank you so much :-)

100828 @lobosworth 's foot
100816 InStyle @LaurenConrad models her Fall 2010 collection for Kohl's! http://ht.ly/2qfkI
100816 Pre-workout dance party to the Glee soundtrack! Happy Monday :-p
100817 Dinner and a movie = Eat Eat Pray Love
100817 Just cracked open and early edition of the @lobosworth 's book (perk of being a roomie). Boy can this chick write! I'm hooked already!
100817 Just posted my most recent collection for Kohl's on my website www.laurenconrad.com Florals, Ruffles and Lace oh my!
100817 @Kristin_Ess Go to sleep! And don't forget the Aquanet and Scrunchies for tomorrows shoot! Sweet dreams :-)

100818 90 degrees and wearing leather... Trying to keep my make-up from melting off my face!

100819 Awww @lobosworth made me breakfast this morning. :-) What a nice roomie!
100819 Just watched a dude take his earings out of his ears and put them in his nipples... While standing on a street corner. Gotta love LA.

100819 I think I know this guy...

100820 Shopping for blooms in the flower district for my sister's B-day bash
100820 Spent all morning baking cupcakes for my sister's B day tom and now I'm shopping for a dress to wear to @jillyhendrix B day party tonight...
100820 ...So now I'm shopping with pink frosting in my hair. Sigh, birthdays...
100823 Well it's official... Another Conrad can legally drink. Uh oh! Happy 21st birthday to my little sis!
100823 Gym clothes, no makeup, wet hair and leaving a painful laser hair removal apt... This is exactly when I want to find 15 paps around my car.
100825 @whitneyEVEport Psst! Wanna hear a secret...? I can't wait to see your pretty face tomorrow!!
100825 Just posted the dates for my book tour in October. Take a peek and see if I'm coming to your home town.
100825 Headed to the salon to see some of my fav ladies. Sadly I was simply too tired and sore to put on real people pants. Get ready for some PJs!
100826 @jillyhendix look at these party animals!
100826 No... and it's something else you with my mother can bond over :-) RT @sofifii: Is it too late to start scrapbooking my life?
100828 The News is on at the gym and I just looked up to read the headline "live tiger found in suitcase at thai airport"...
100828 @joyceazria Just got some treats from BCBGeneration!! So cute! Thank you so much :-)

100828 @lobosworth 's foot